P. Mockapetris, K. Dunlap, "Development of the Domain Name System," ACM SIGCOMM Conference, 1988.This paper examined the ideas and issues behind the initial design of DNS (Domain Name System) in 1983 exploring it in terms of the improvement it brought over existing systems, its successes and shortcomings and other performance characteristics.
Broadly speaking, the job of a DNS server is to provide a mapping between an IP and a hostname. Queries are mainly made over a hostname to determine its corresponding IP address, however the reverse is also pretty much possible. Prior to the design of DNS, there were mainly 2 popular existing designs that the authors discussed:
- HOSTS.TXT file: This was a single file maintained by SRI-NIC consisting of all hostname-IP mappings. This simple soultion worked quite well when the number of nodes were limited but gradually had obvious scalability issues.
- XEROX Grapevine: This was pretty sophisticated and had a heavy use of replication, light use of caching and fixed number of hierarchy levels. Fixed number of hierarchy levels meant that it was suited for particular protocol architectures and importing its design would have meant importing elements of its protocol architecture. This limitations led to the development of a new design.
The architecture had to deal with many tradeoffs before coming up with a design. Ideally, such a system should have been a system that behaves like a perfect 'dynamic database' and incorporates related atomicity, voting and backup etc, however, it was believed that these things would make it a bit too complex to be adopted readily. The active components of the system are of 2 major types -- name servers and resolvers. Name servers contained repositories of information while resolvers interfaced the client programs and contains algorithms to find the name servers. Further, DNS internal name space is a variable-depth tree where each node in the tree had an associated label. These subnodes of the tree can be managed by different organizations and are free to assign labels accordingly. For instance berkeley.edu is a subtree of the .edu node and is free to manage its own subtrees (which can be further managed by different administrative units eg. cs.berkeley.edu, me.berkeley.edu etc.). Third important concept was that the data for each name in the DNS was organized as a set of resource records (RRs) which were < type, class > tuples. Types represent abstract resources (eg. host address, mailbox etc.) while the class represents the protocol family.
Further, the authors talk a bit about the importance of caching in DNS and its dependence on TTL. Lower value of TTL tend to make caching ineffective. One important observation was that even though root servers take less than 100ms to process vast majority of requests, the clients see a typical response time of 500ms to 5s. This may well be possible due to recursive nature of zone checking and other network latency issues.
It was nice to read this paper to get a historical perspective on the design decisions that led to the development of DNS. However, in present context, few questions come into mind:
- Given that essentially DNS is all about finding
mapping, how about designing it in terms of the DHTs?. Such a system would help in solving the ever increasing scalability issues. Specially, as the world is moving towards URIs (Universal Resource identifiers) and the namespace size is going to increase exponentially, it makes total sense to have such a system in place. - Nothing much was done about security of DNS at that time. It made some sense back then when the networks were mostly trusted but it would be interesting to know how existing systems deal with this security problem.
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